RAL colors are a standardized color matching system used for a variety of applications, including electrostatic powder coating. RAL means “National Committee for Delivery Terms and Quality Assurance”, which is translated as “National Committee for Delivery Terms and Quality Assurance” in English and called “Reichs-Ausschuß für Lieferbedingungen und Gütesicherung” in German.

The RAL color system consists of a wide range of color codes used to identify specific shades and colours. The RAL Color System uses a standardized collection of color samples, each assigned a unique RAL code. These codes consist of four numbers before the letters ‘RAL’ (for example, RAL 9011). The first digit represents a system code number indicating the color family (1: yellow, 2: orange, 3: red, 4: purple, 5: blue, 6: green, 7: gray, 8: brown, and 9: white and black shades).

In the context of electrostatic powder coating, RAL colors are often used to indicate the desired color for the coating. By referencing the appropriate RAL color code, manufacturers and applicators can achieve the desired color finish with consistency and accuracy. The RAL color system provides a standardized and widely recognized method for communicating color selections across a variety of industries, including powder coating applications.